All photography on this site is copyrighted and must not be used without permission from Chris Elphick.

Tuesday 5 April 2016

An Evening's Stroll Along the Prom

We really are being spoiled by the weather in Swansea lately. Parking up at the seaside car park at the 360 (and noting the parking charge here has trebled since the turn of the month), I decided to head towards the marina for this evening's stroll.

Swansea Bay

I think the Pirate Ship Adventure Playground is a great addition to Swansea Bay. Unfortunately, I do have to advise caution here though as the place has been known to be visited by local drug-users in the evenings and they can leave all sorts of used paraphanalia behind. On one occasion, my young son nearly got stabbed by a needle sticking out of the sand here. Admittedly, this was a few years back, but I would still be careful and keep a vigilant eye out that the place is clean before using the playground.

The Swansea Bay Pirate Ship Playground

Looking back on the golden sunset over Swansea Bay, before heading down further to the marina:

Swansea Bay is the best place in Swansea to watch the evening sunsets

Sunsets also offer the best views of the City Council's County Hall:

The Pine trees outside Swansea County Hall

Swansea County Hall

Swansea's modernist County Hall Building

Graffiti on Swansea's Sea Steps, near County Hall

I love walking along these steps when the tide is in:

The Meridian Tower 'peeking' behind the Marriott Hotel and its 'Siren' Sculpture

The sun was still out (but only just) when I hit Swansea Marina and the Deli Dining restaurant was literally aglow when I passed it:

And then it was time to head back to the car along the now dusky sands of Swansea Bay.

Swansea Marina's Navigation Buoy sculpture

A Cuppa Coffee at the 360

The 360 Beach and Watersports Bar is rapidly becoming my favourite coffee haunt. The prices there are more than reasonable and the views over Swansea Bay always puts a smile on my face. Highly recommended.

A Cuppa Coffee at Swansea's 360

The 360 Beach and Watersports Bar

Given the timing of this blog post re the upcoming UK EU Referendum, I thought I would also add the following pic taking of the building. Look around Swansea and you will see these signs all over the place on specially built facilities in areas of deprivation. A firm and good reminder that We NEED to STAY IN EUROPE. Vote wisely, please:

Monday 4 April 2016

The Boatshed Doors

The incredible artwork on this boat shed in Swansea Marina was made as part of Swansea's continued drive to use art to enhance the city. This piece was made by Robery Conybear and Robin Campbell in the mid/late 1980s and details the symbolism of doorways as a passage from one state to another. The door handle is shapped like a sea vessel which carries those using it into the different world inside the building. The lower half of the door illustrates various forms of sea life while the upper half of the door portrays a cloud containing a guardian eye - a lucky emblem that had been portrayed on ships and boats throughout history.

The door is a real gem of Swansea Marina, which is a real feat considering the multitude of public art installations which populate this part of the city. Watch this space for more Marina art works in the near future...

A Moody Swansea Bay

Swansea Bay looked well moody this evening as I took a walk along the edge of Swansea Marina:

The Zeta Mnemonical sculpture, Swansea Marina

Navigation sculpture, Swansea Marina

The Copper Flame sculpture, Swansea Marina

Lighthouse Tower sculpture, Swansea Marina

I will revisit these sculpture soon and provide some info on them as they all hold artistic and historical interest.

Meridian Tower

A controversial building at the time of its construction, I have always been a fan of the Meridian Tower. The building is currently Wales' tallest building and stands 107 metres high. Its top floor hosts a restaurant, the Grape and Olive, so I will try and head up there sometime soon and show some of the amazing views than can be gained from there...

Inside St. David's Priory

I took a wander inside St. David's Priory this evening. The place was empty and I was free to wander its serene interior and take in its magnificent stained glass windows. Amongst their number was this piece, which is believed to be of C15th origin and Wales' only medieval stained glass window:

St. David's Priory is a calm and reflective oasis amongst the hustle and bustle of city centre shopping and I recommend a visit at your soonest conveience.