Welcome to Sweyne's Eye - the photography project created, developed and continued by local author & photographer Chris Elphick to detail the changing face of his home city of Swansea.
Showing posts with label Clyne Gardens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Clyne Gardens. Show all posts

Wednesday 27 April 2016

Bluebell Wood, Clyne Gardens

The bluebell wood located at the top end of Clyne Gardens has to be the most beautiful part of Swansea at this time of year. The best time of day to take in the beauty of this place is, in my opinion, the evening, when the spectacle of colour is highlighted against the setting sun. Get there soon, before the blooms fade...

Sunday 17 April 2016

A Coffee in Clyne

As you might have seen from my last couple of posts, I took a wander around Clyne Park this afternoon. I had been hoping that the park's bluebell wood might have been in flower but apart from this patch, the rest were all still at budding stage. I will try and make it back to the park in a couple of weeks when hopefully the colours will really be kicking off nicely there.

Clyne Gardens' Blue Bell Wood
May is the time when the garden has its annual Clyne Gardens in Bloom celebrations, but even now, a good few weeks early, there are still a few flowery delights to be seen there.

Yellow Arum Lillies
The nice walk gave me a bit of a thirst and I quenched it with a coffee in The Woodman. Slightly slow service and I am a bit doubtful whether my coffee really was a Costa but it was still nice to chill in the place for twenty minutes or so before heading back to the car.

The Woodman Pub

Japanese Bridge - Clyne Gardens

The Magical Story Tree, Clyne Gardens

Pet Cemetary, Clyne Gardens