Welcome to Sweyne's Eye - the photography project created, developed and continued by local author & photographer Chris Elphick to detail the changing face of his home city of Swansea.

Monday 18 July 2016

Thursday 14 July 2016

Seagull Action - Aberavon Beach

Seagull action, Aberavon Beach (Swansea Bay and Mumbles in background):

I find it increasing sad how our attitude toward bird life in Swansea is becoming increasingly negative. Take just these two local newspaper reports as an example - 'I got smashed in the face by a seagull' and 'Ultra seagulls are mugging people and trying to break into cars in Swansea'.

A similar negative attitude towards our wildlife is also increasing ground around urban foxes. To all these reports, all I can do is roll my eyes in despair. In Canada they have wild bears, in America alligators. In Africa, they have a whole plethora of animals capable of killing people. And, in Britain we have seagulls and foxes. Come on now Swansea - let us learn to understand and love and make allowances for our wildlife. It is not just our country after all is said and done - we share it!

Sunday 10 July 2016

Datura stramonium, SA1

Taking a walk around Swansea Marina today, I spotted this rather conspicuous pland growing right in the centre of the footpath along the river Tawe - a rare (in this country) Datura stramonium. The plant, also known as Jimson Weed or Devil's Snare is a highly poisonous psychoactive plant. I have reported its presence to Swansea Council...

The Old Swansea Marina Observatory

Snow Lodge

Marina Market