All photography on this site is copyrighted and must not be used without permission from Chris Elphick.

Tuesday 1 March 2016

Parc Tawe

With matters starting to move at pace down in Swansea's Parc Tawe, I though I would take a wander down there this afternoon and take some photos before the upcoming £10m refurbishment changes it beyond recognition. If you haven't yet seen artist's impressions of what the new-look Parc Tawe will look like you can view some here and here.

Whilst I think the plans look fanstastic and are a vast improvement on its current awful modernist design, the decision to upgrade the location has not been without its casualties :( The worst for me, personally, has been the forced closure of Joe's Ice-cream and the More Green Project Community Shop:

Joe's Ice-Cream also lost its position after having
kept a stall opened there for the past 21 years:

A few more closures down Park Tawe:

I will finish this blog post with a couple of pics of Plantasia. I have been hearing some worrying rumours about the closure of this place for a while now and really hope they do not come to any kind of fruition. I have not been in the place for a couple of years now, mainly because of the price of getting in there, but when I do take a walk around the place I enjoy every second of it. I am sure it would be a lot more popular if they offered Swansea residents cheaper year passes and made up their shortfall in earnings with a better shop. Still, it is still here for now and this is how it looked this afternoon: